What is Global Warming?
What is Global Warming?
Global warming is the unnatural increase in the average global temperatures caused by the release of greenhouse gases.
Global warming causes Higher sea levels
The most dangerous thing that has happened since the polar ice caps started melting is that the sea level rises. The ocean is very big, so it takes a lot of melting ice for the sea level to rise even a little bit. But, if big pieces of the ice cap are starting to melt permanently, it is possible that the sea level will rise higher and higher every year. If all the ice in both the Arctic and Antarctic sheet melted, the oceans would permanently rise by 210 feet!
What is Climate Change?
What is Climate Change help?
Climate change is the change in weather patterns caused by localized changes in temperature or water vapor due to elevated amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. This is caused primarily by human use of fossil fuels (gasoline, natural gas and coal).
Why are Global Warming and Climate Change a concern?
Why are Global Warming and Climate Change a concern?
Since the industrial revolution (about 150 years ago) humans have released 375 billion tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. (Remember carbon dioxide is very good at trapping heat and not allowing the Earth to release heat). All the extra carbon dioxide is causing average temperatures around the world to gradually increase.
Even one degree of increase is dangerous in the Arctic and Antarctic. At 31 degrees, we have ice. At 33 degrees we have water. The ice caps are melting because we have above freezing temperatures more often than in the past. Once the ice melts, it causes the sea level to rise. The lack of ice also changes the way that air flows around the planet, changing weather patterns.
Global warming is causing the polar ice caps to melt at alarming rates
Droughts around the world are lasting longer than ever before because of climate change
What are Greenhouse Gases?
What is a Greenhouse gas?
A Greenhouse gas is a gas that traps heat and
prevents the Earth from releasing extra heat into
Greenhouse gases are formed whenever
something is burned. One of the most
produced green house gasses is called
carbon dioxide.
Why are they called Greenhouse gas
These gases are called “greenhouse gases” because they function like a
greenhouse used to grow plants.
A greenhouse is made of clear walls and roof that allows sunlight in and
traps heat to keep temperatures warm inside so plants are at the perfect
temperature to grow. Certain gases in our atmosphere act like the clear
panels of a greenhouse, letting light in and keeping heat from leaving
the planet.
It is good that all heat is not released into space so we can stay warm.
However, increasing amounts of greenhouse gases cause more and more
heat to be kept within the earth, causing global warming and
climate changes.
What is Carbon Dioxide (CO2)?
What is Carbon Dioxide
Carbon dioxide. is a greenhouse gas that is
released when we burn coal, oil, trees or
any other material made of Carbon to produce
energy; it’s also the gas we produce by
just breathing.
Carbon dioxide is what plants “breathe” in and convert to
oxygen which they “exhale”. Without plants we would not
have any oxygen to breathe.
Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas and is one of the
major contributors to global warming.
Why is Carbon Dioxide a problem?
Why is Carbon Dioxide a problem?
Carbon dioxide. acts like a blanket around the Earth. However, unlike you, the Earth cannot remove this carbon dioxide blanket when it’s too hot. The extra carbon dioxide causes the Earth to continuously get hotter because the carbon dioxide isn’t being removed from the Earth’s atmosphere as fast as it is being produced.
Why are they called Greenhouse gas
We need a way to reduce the carbon dioxide in the
Earth’s atmosphere so the Earth can return to normal.
How much is 375 billion?
How much is 375 billion?
If that were people, it would be 50 times the number of people on the planet! (The global population is about 7.5 billion people)
If that were miles, it would be 61 round trips from Earth to Pluto (a one way trip to Pluto is 3.67 billion miles)!
If that were pounds that would be the combined weight of a million:Blue Whales, African Elephants, Killer Whales, Great White Sharks, Giraffes, Brown Bears, Crocodiles, Tigers, Lions, Gorillas, Hippopotamuses, and Whale Sharks each!
Why does planting trees help?
How does planting trees help?
Every tree that is planted can be help remove
up to 50 pounds of carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere. This helps reduce the amount of
insulation the Earth is experiencing and helps
reduce the amount of global warming
that is happening.
If we plant more trees, photosynthesis will
start to happen more and more frequently
and the carbon dioxide will start to leave the
atmosphere and be replaced with healthy oxygen. So if you
want to save Earth’s atmosphere, try planting a tree today!
Why Tree4All Trees?
What is Tree4All Trees?
Our Tree4All trees are an excellent choice
of a tree. These trees grow quickly (3 to
8 feet per year) and dense allowing them
to take up a considerable amount of
carbon dioxide (up to 50 pounds per year).
These trees can grow up to 60 feet tall,
30 feet wide and they have a life span of around 50 years.
While you can plant any tree or plant to help the Earth,
we’ve chosen these trees because they grow fast and
dense – so they take carbon dioxide out of the air faster
than other trees.
This is also a hybrid tree that has been designed to be
extremely resistant to disease, and it can grow all over the
mainland of the United States spanning from coast to coast.
(Check out our neat map below!)